PLEASE NOTE you cannot rely on any bank details sent to you by email, even if they appear to come from this firm. It is your responsibility to check with us that you are using the correct bank details for any payments to be made to us in order to avoid any misunderstandings, delays or fraud. Please also note we will not be held responsible for any liability arising out of funds being sent by any party to an incorrect account. We DO NOT notify changes to important business information for example our bank details by email. If you receive an email stating our bank details have changed please urgently telephone us.
We do not send funds to third party accounts. We may carry out a consumer bank account checker against your bank details before we send funds to you.
As part of our identification requirements we may also carry out an electronic verification check against you.
We are now encouraging all clients to complete and submit their personal information via our third party app called ‘Thirdfort’. You will be provided with an Informational Leaflet for the App confirming the simple steps you need to follow. By using this service it means you can deal with all our requirements from the comfort of your own home quickly and easily. Thirdfort are FCA regulated, fully insured and use end to end encryption to make sure your data and information is secure. We also use the onboarding service provided by Infotrack to carry out electronic checks.
If we do not know the lawyer we are dealing with on the other side of a conveyancing transaction, we will carry out a Lawyer Checker to ensure we have the correct bank details before we send your funds to them.
All the above measures, and more, are implemented to ensure we combat money laundering/terrorist financing and all our staff are trained regularly in this respect.
Please note we will not act in a transaction where our AML compliance is not adhered to. If a client is reluctant to provide us with the information we ask, we reserve the right to no longer act.
Further details are contained in our terms and conditions which will be supplied to you if you instruct us to act.