PLEASE NOTE you cannot rely on any bank details sent to you by email, even if they appear to come from this firm. It is your responsibility to check with us that you are using the correct bank details for any payments to be made to us in order to avoid any misunderstandings, delays or fraud. Please also note we will not be held responsible for any liability arising out of funds being sent by any party to an incorrect account. We DO NOT notify changes to important business information for example our bank details by email. If you receive an email stating our bank details have changed please urgently telephone us.
Please note we will not tolerate rude or abusive behaviour and if this sadly occurs we reserve the right to no longer act in the matter. Sadly, over recent years we have seen a vast increase in this type of behaviour.
Terms & Conditions:
When navigating through our website you may be re-directed to other sites. These terms and conditions apply to all content and use accessed through the site.
We do not provide legal advice through our websites. It is for general information only and is not intended to constitute legal advice or advice of any kind. We have taken care to ensure that the information supplied is correct. However, no representation or warranty is given as to the accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided.
The provision of this information is not intended to create, nor does it create, lawyer/client relationship between the company and the recipient, nor is any contractual relationship created between the company and the recipient, whether the information is transmitted, downloaded or otherwise communicated.
If you want legal advice, you should always seek proper legal advice from us or from any other suitably qualified lawyer, who can consider your personal circumstances when advising you. The information on this website is not a substitute for such advice and you should not rely upon it.
We disclaim any liability to any person or body arising from the use of the information contained in this website or from any act or omission of any person or body in reliance on the information supplied through this website. We accept no responsibility for any loss or damage including without limitation any consequential loss or damage suffered by anyone acting in purported reliance on the information supplied.
We provide links to external websites in order to enhance the service provided by this site. If the website is operated by a third party, we have no control over its content and cannot accept responsibility for any problems caused by using the site.
Should you chose to engage us in professional legal services you will be provided with our full terms and conditions. Our terms and conditions fall within the jurisdiction of English law and consequentially any cause of action is deemed to have occurred and shall be tried in England.
ID & Money Laundering Requirements:
We are under a legal obligation to ensure we have procedures in place designed to combat money laundering/terrorist financing. This applies to all law firms, accountancy firms, banks and other financial institutions.
The Proceeds of Crime Act, and all other relevant legislation, places all lawyers under very strict rules to ensure criminals and terrorists do not use us as a way to launder money derived from criminal activities. One of the procedures we have in place is to ensure we are certain who we are acting for and the purpose of any transaction. If we fail to spot money laundering when we should have, we can face criminal charges therefore we take this matter very seriously.
All staff have been trained to spot attempts to launder money and other illegal transactions and regular training is provided.
Therefore when we ask you for proof of your identity, address and questions regarding the source of funds please do not be alarmed. We do understand it may feel intrusive but we hope you appreciate it is necessary, and we will not proceed to act until our requirements are met. If you are unwilling or unable to provide such information and evidence we reserve the right to decline to act for you. If we have acted for you before we may still have to ask you for further information.
In addition you should also be aware that if there are any circumstances which would appear to be suspicious it is our duty to report them to the appropriate authorities. Please note we do not accept cash over £400. Further details regarding this matter are contained in our Brochures and can be discussed with us direct, and we do appreciate your co-operation.
Remote Clients:
We are required to verify the identity of all of our clients and usually this is performed in person at one of our offices, or at your home if mobility is an issue and you live locally. However, if you do not live local to one of our offices but would like to use our services, there are other options available. So please discuss with us.
We use cookies on our website. You can find out more about cookies and what they are used for by searching the term on your web browser.
The use of cookies on our website(s).
Google Analytics cookies have been placed on every page of the site. These are used to collect information about how visitors use the website. Collected anonymously we use the information to compile reports in order to improve the site. This allows us to analyse information such as the number of visitors to each page on the site. We do not collect any information that would identify an individual nor do we make an attempt to identify any of our visitors through the use of cookies.
You should access the Google website for more information about Google Analytics or if you wish to opt out of having your internet behaviour collected by Google Analytics.
If you want to refuse cookies you can do so by activating the privacy settings in your browser. We will assume that if you choose not to change your browser settings you consent to allowing our cookies as explained above.
Your privacy and confidentiality, and the way in which we use the information we receive from you is very important. This policy explains how we use the information you provide us and how we protect your privacy.
If you are a client, we have professional obligations of confidentiality. We will comply with those obligations, but we may agree with you that some of your information will be shared with third parties and we will share information where necessary in order to effectively represent you.
Telephone calls
Calls to and from our offices may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes. This is to ensure our compliance with regulatory requirements, evidential requirements, to detect unauthorised use and to assess the quality of our service. Please note we will not tolerate rude or abusive behaviour.
We only gather information if you choose to give it to us by using one of our online forms or sending us an email. The information you give us might include your name and contact details and information about any transaction or case you would like our assistance with.
By using our online services you agree to be contacted by phone, email or letter in accordance with your request for further information. We will only use the information provided in order to assist you with your enquiry and to maintain a record of the communication in case you contact us again.
Please remember that email and other web based communications are not secure means of communication. However, we take care to protect any information you provide us and will not distribute or disseminate that information without your prior consent.
For our full privacy policy please click here.
We are regulated by the Council of Licensed Conveyancers, WeWork, 131 Finsbury Pavement London EC2A 1NT.
We strive to provide an efficient professional service but in the unfortunate event you have a complaint about our work please do not hesitate to contact Claire Ward or Dean Campbell directly where we hope we can resolve the matter for you. We will respond to your complaint within 7 days and if a full response cannot be provided in this timeframe we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and respond fully within 28 days of receipt of your initial complaint.
The assessment of the complaint will be based upon a sufficient and fair investigation. We will explain in writing our findings and where the complaint is upheld will offer remedial action or redress. This will be actioned promptly.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome you can complain to the Legal Ombudsman and their details are shown below: –
Contact information for Legal Ombudsman:
Tel no: 0300 555 0333
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.legalombudsman.org.uk
Legal Ombudsman
PO Box 6167, Slough, SL1 OEH
Unless the Legal Ombudsman agrees there are good reasons not to do so, the Legal Ombudsman will expect you to allow us to consider and respond to your complaint in accordance with their procedure before they will consider it.
The Legal Ombudsman can accept complaints up to 6 years from the date of the act/omission or 3 years from when the complainant should have known about the issue. You can refer your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman if our own complaints process has taken 8 or more weeks to complete.
Alternative complaints bodies such as Ombudsman Services, ProMediate and Small Claims Mediation exist which are competent to deal with complaints about legal services should both you and our firm wish to use such a scheme.