Our Charges


  • It supports your local community
  • Phone calls are toll free from local numbers
  • You can drop by and see us anytime
  • We know the area and the agents
  • We can get things done quickly without relying on post
  • Car park at our Harwich office


We know that it is all very well to boast about having great customer service but like anything it often comes down to the price. We have found a comfortable range whereby you will receive unparalleled service with highly competitive pricing.

We may not be the cheapest however we are not far away and our customers have told us from past experiences to be wary of cheap offers in the marketplace. We have heard unfortunate stories around ‘hidden costs’ or ‘add-ons’ not properly explained however, the most common anecdotes are associated with service.

You are not obliged to use any lawyer but that of your own choice, even though it does not always appear that way. This is especially so in conveyancing where many nationalised companies have centralised legal services connected to Estate Agents.

We are proud to be local and know the area and estate agents well. By employing local lawyers we believe you will save time and money and you will get to speak to your case handler and not passed from one team to the next.


Disbursements are charged in respect of all the work we undertake for you and some of these are costs payable to third parties that relate to your matter.

Example of usual sale disbursements:-

Bankruptcy searches – £2.90 per name
Search of the Index Map – £4.90
Administration Fee for electronic transfer of funds – £35.00 plus VAT (per transfer and including element of profit cost)
Official copies of the register – £7.80
Administration Fee for Fraud Detection & Postage Costs – £60.00 plus VAT (including element of profit cost)

Average sale disbursements but subject to variation – £129.60

Example of usual purchase disbursements:-

Searches – including Local Authority/Environmental/Drainge & Water/Planning – £210.00 (This will vary on the location of the property you are purchasing and if further searches are required for example if the property is in coal mining area)
Search of the Index Map – £4.90
Bankruptcy searches – £2.90 per name
Administration Fee for electronic transfer of funds – £35.00 plus VAT (per transfer including element of profit cost)
Administration Fee for Fraud Detection & Postage Costs – £60.00 plus VAT (including element of profit cost)
Administration Fee for completion and submission of HMRC Stamp Duty Transaction Form – £50.00 plus VAT

Average purchase disbursements but subject to variation – £391.80 (Stamp Duty and Land Registry fees to be added please see below)


Whereever possible we aim to provide agreed pricing from the outset so that you can budget accurately. We cannot guarantee our estimates or agreed pricing because many processses in Law are beyond our control. Facts may also emerge as the matter progresses that require further attention and resources.

However, these instances are rare and we will always keep you informed if we believe our estimate may be exceeded significantly. Please note we do reserve the right to charge abortive fees if the matter does not proceed to exchange.

For a comprehensive estimate please do get in touch with us.

Contact Hanslip Ward

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Quote Start

As with all previous advice I have received from Hanslip Ward, I consider the advice to reflect the highest standard, and I thank you for taking on my case in these unfortunate circumstances.
Mr & Mrs Epstein

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